2005 was the year I became a blogger. It wasn't exactly intentional - I'd been subscribed to lots of blogs for ages, and blogger.com makes the process so easy, that you can almost accidentally sign yourself up. So I added my first post , as I said, on a whim. At the time, I couldn't have foreseen that blogging would integrate it's way into my life the way it has. Now it's 12 months later, and I've posted at least once every couple of days for a year. Which has actually been really easy and fun. I really like to write, and now I have a place to do it. Here are my favourites for 2005: The Great Chicken Massacre This post about the eventual doom of metadata Teaching kids how to program I really like this blogging-under-the influence post about Me and Stilly watching the huge machinery. I'm such a sook when I'm drunk. This ranty early morning post about how the read/write web could re-build democracy. That crazy dream where all the software in the world w...