Simon has the rules of this blog meme over at Exceptionally Uncaught.

I had to seriously look around for the closest book - the first two I found were "Good Night Goz", which I discounted because it only had eleven pages, and the websters dictionary, which I discounted because it didn't technically have any sentences - (well, no full stops, anyway, which I believe maketh the sentence) So I ended up with:
From Washington DC for Dummies, 3rd Edition. ( I really have no idea how I came to own this book. No, honestly...)
So , yeah - you're all 'it' and that...

I had to seriously look around for the closest book - the first two I found were "Good Night Goz", which I discounted because it only had eleven pages, and the websters dictionary, which I discounted because it didn't technically have any sentences - (well, no full stops, anyway, which I believe maketh the sentence) So I ended up with:
Hotel George
$$$$ Capitol Hill Modernistic Posters of the first president adorn the hotel, which attracts lobbyists, celebrities and others who dig hip surroundings and proximity to power. See Map P.102.
From Washington DC for Dummies, 3rd Edition. ( I really have no idea how I came to own this book. No, honestly...)
So , yeah - you're all 'it' and that...
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