When I left to travel this cute little world we all inhabit and inhibit, I decided that I would post all my adventures as soon as they happened. But, I'm so busy and jetlagged, that I haven't really wanted to post anything. So, here's a preview of coming attractions - posts that I've composed in my head and never got around to posting.
- The NA TUF Conference, and how cool it was
- The drive across the state of Florida, down Aligator Alley
- The Miami Hotel that was in Goldfinger, that we stayed at
- Crazy Americans, and how weird that country can be
- Kris, Mel and Craig, and how they all rule for different reasons
- Trying to get into the Miami Airport Lounge
- The Drive with the crazy russian immigrant
- The Cantley House Hotel, or how a giant cat nearly killed me
- A random departure to Bristol
- The Hitchock Rules
So, yeah, there's much to catch up on. Stay tuned for more ranting and general silliness.
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