Well, I'm still alive - and feeling largely refreshed after a long over due vacation to DisneyWorld, the happiest place on earth. To try and get y'all back up to speed (yes, they really do say that down in the South), here's a bulleted list of stuff that I've found interesting... As well as being the title of this post, Blather is a plug-in that my friend Stilly wrote for his gTalkBot, that allows you to publish all your twitter-esque daily musings to your Blosxom powered blog. Very cool, and Stilly's Blathering is pretty entertaining too... While on the topic of Stilly, his second book just got published ! - it's a how to guide on building your own PVR using Myth TV . I had a go at this a while ago, and it was really kind of confusing, especially for a Linux N00b like me. A book is long overdue... My friend Ian Schue, who works with me here at TOWER NA has started blogging . Apparently the birth of the universe, donuts, quantum computing and giant ants are al...