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Showing posts from September, 2005

Open your mind and your orbits.

I have a folder in my RSS aggregator that I call "Newbies". If I find a blog I think I might like to subscribe to, I add it to the Newbies folder. If I find I like their posts, I'll promote them to the "bloggers" folder. One of the blogs I found through my referrer logs and added to the newbies folder was Bill Rini - a poker player from LA. I thought that it might be nice to open your mind to the fact that other peoples lives and interests are entirely different from your own. But, little did I know, exactly how true this was. The latest post arrived this morning, and out of ALL the sentences, I understand approximately ZERO of them. Observe: "I got aces cracked twice in two orbits. Both times I picked them up in the blinds and had 7 or 8 callers before it got to me. The first guy to crack me was this older Asian dude who called two cold with pocket threes and hit his set on the flop. After my aces got cracked the second time I turned to the dealer and ...

The Triage Secret

Working in a software company comes in two flavours - the green-fields, dream-plan -build-software bit, (which is fun) and the dreary endless bug reports that come from testers and customers (which are not fun). As a very depressed project manager once said : "The software is not finished until the last user is dead" At TOWER Software, as these bugs arrive, they are prioritised according to a simple scale: 1) Urgent Fix 2) Fix ASAP 3) Fix 4) Fix if Time 5) Won't Fix It's pretty self explanatory, so I won't go into the bleeding obvious, but each day, the team goes through and assigns a significance score to each bug. Then we hand them all out and get to work. That process is called triage, after the medical hospital waiting system. The goals might seem pretty similar -you might think "Ok, you want the bugs that are really bad to be fixed first - not unlike the hospital scenario where the man with the axe protruding from his head gets treatment before the snot...

Speaking bad of things

Doesn't everyone love to read a blogger handing out a good bollocking? I've been working on [secret project] using Ruby on Rails of late, so I've been subscribing to some rails lists and blogs. Getting started with Rails can be kind of weird and hard, but being a fairly patient person, I've just kept at it with nothing more than some head scratching and mild swearing. This guy, on the other hand, had obviously had enough persevering.. . His review of ROR? " it's fucking horrible . Anyone who tries to convince you that it's in some way an elegant and consistent way to create 'web applications' is entirely insane." hehe :)

Nintendo Fanboy Unleashed

I usually manage to contain my fanboy-ness, but today's unveiling of the Nintendo Revolution controller at the Tokyo Game Show made me all frothy with excitement. I desperately want to play with one of these things. I want to slash my way through bad guys, wandering the worlds of Hyrule. I want to point at the things I want to use. I want to pick up and roll the dice in Mario Party when I'm playing with my kids. I want to battle fellow pokemon fans on the other side of the world, and race other people in Mario Kart. Interaction is where all the magic of gaming is, and thankfully somebody is thinking outside of the (x) box. The Revolution will be able to wirelessly download and play all of your favourite Nintendo games - all the way back to 8-bit NES land, 16-bit classics, through N64 games, and still play gamecube titles. Plus who knows what cool things they'll come up with for the revolution itself. Hats off to Nintendo for making a truly next-generation console. The mor...

blog searching that doesn't take a month

If you check out that silver search bar thingy at the top of my blog, you'll see it has a new button: 'Search All Blogs' This is because the google blog search has been released into beta. If you've ever used Technorati to search blogs, you'd know that while they provide a great service, it was frequently ball-bouncingly, poke-your-own-eyes-out- in-frustration-ly s-l-o-w. Conversations among the blog-savvy in the tea room would always gravitate to the same topic: "How long will it be until google gets a similar feature, and those guys will be out of a gig?" Looks like we'll have to find something else to talk about... whatever you want in a blog search engine, it's there. Subscribe to searches via RSS or ATOM? simple clean easy interface?...advanced search?

Going West vs Going to Sleep

Phew! That was one busy adventure to the other side of this wide brown land (It is wide, and brown, but mainly wide) TUF 2005 in Perth was the launching ground for our new product, ice. Stilly and I were presenting the keynote, which was based around showing off ice, and talking about collaboration and other reasons why a bunch of customers might want to buy it. In a stroke of genius\insanity, we decided to let the audience pick the demonstration platform based on random outcomes - we built a giant cardboard die with various operating systems and platforms written on each side - then we'd let a volunteer from the audience roll the dice(die?) to determine which platform we should do our demo on. ice (the italics belong to the marketing department) works on any platform, so we were pretty confident that we would be okay. But, what I hadn't counted on (those italics are mine), was my crummy laptop (which was acting as the server) deciding that it would be a good idea to hibernat...

Step on up and Justify!

I just impulse bought a car. What started out as a curious, what-if-saturday-morning inquiry into maybe upgrading our crappy family bus to something more modern ended up with me walking out of National Capital Motors with a finance contract for a 2002 Toyota Tarago: I'm not sure if it was the cheesy-used-car-salesmanesque pitch from the used-car-salesman, or solar flares, or an early onset brain disorder,or something else entirely unrelated. Whatever it was, it's now led to a serious case of post-purchase guilt. You know-where you go over the whole thing, and this huge battle occurs in your head between Mr Justify and Mr Responsible? Maybe that's just my head... Mr Justify: You know, it's a good idea to spend that much cash, we really did need a new car, and we'll be able to afford it, so you might as well - Money's for spending, after all... Mr Responsible: The old car worked just fine... Mr Justify: Yeah, but you couldn't lock any of the windows, the wi...